Event perpetual reward for participating in Education of the Ummah

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The Al Falaah WAQF Fund The Al Falaah WAQF Fund

A perpetual source of income to be used in noble activities.

Waqf is a classical Islamic legal institution which entails declaring an asset inalienable (incapable of transfer through sale, inheritance etc). The income earned through the designated asset or other contributions towards it is then applied towards defined purposes usually fulfilling a social or charitable objective. Waqf creates a perpetual source of income to be used in noble activities and therefore becomes a source of perpetual reward in this world and the hereafter for contributors.

The Al Falaah WAQF Fund is an independent Waqf established to fulfill the objectives and mission of the College. A designated portion of all contributions to the Al Falaah Waqf Fund are held in perpetuity and the income on these funds is used for fulfilling the educational objectives of the school.

What is Waqf & Al Falaah Waqf Fund?

A perpetual source of income to be used in noble activities.

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